This post will show you the easiest way to dice a cucumber for your meal! This is a simple process that will give you the best diced cucumber you can ask for!
For Sean's birthday a few years ago, we took a cooking class at Charleston Cooks on Market Street. The class was called Knife Skills and we learned a ton of great cutting techniques that have made our prep work both faster and a lot less frustrating.
We already shared our awesome technique for cutting an onion. Our second favorite new cut was the dice chop.
This cut makes it quick and easy to get little bites of cucumber that are all the same size very quickly.
This can be done with a variety of fruits and veggies- we just use a ton of cucumber in our house!
How to dice a cucumber
Here is the easiest and fastest way to chop a cucumber!
STEP ONE: Half it!
To start, cut your cucumber straight in half.
STEP 2: Cut the tip
Choose a half to cut up first. Cut the tip off of that end.
STEP 3: Peel (optional)
Stand your cucumber up on its fat, flat end. Use your knife to square off the cucumber- cut the peel off each side, straight down.
You can cut a little or a lot of the "meat" off here. I usually try to cut a bit off and then eat the peel as a snack while we prep 🙂
STEP 4: Plank it
Keep the cucumber standing up. Cut straight down the shaft of the cuke to create your planks.
This is where you get to first choose the size of your dice- fewer, wider cuts will result in bigger chunks of cucumber. Vice versa for more, narrower cuts. Repeat this across the entire cucumber half.
STEP 5: Cross cuts
Lay the planks out flat on your cutting board, stacked on top of each other. Cut across the planks to create your "sticks." Once again, more cuts will result in a smaller dice.
STEP 6: De-seed
One thing you might want to do is remove the center sticks of the cucumber.
These are often very seedy and don't have much flavor. It depends on the time of the year and whether they are in season. You can also leave them and it won't matter, it's just a personal preference.
STEP 7: Chop!
Finally, rotate the sticks 90 degrees and cut perpendicularly to your previous cuts. This will give you your perfect cucumber cubes!
Enjoy sprinkled on salads or tacos.
How to dice a cucumber
Wonder how to dice a cucumber? Here is the easiest way!
- Cucumber
- Knife
- Cutting board
- Cut the cucumber in half.
- Cut the tip off one half.
- Stand the cucumber up on it's fat flat end. Square off the cucumber by cutting the peel off in 4 chops.
- Cut straight down the shaft to create ¼-1/2" thick planks. Repeat across cucumber.
- Lay flat on the cutting board and cut perpendicular to your other cuts to create cubes. Repeat until cucumber is diced.
- Repeat on other half.
How do you cut your cucumber?
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