I love my condo & I love it even more since we painted the living room, master bedroom, & guest bedroom. However, there was one thing still driving me crazy
Big, red, fire alarms in each room. As best as I could google, they're speakers so that I can hear the fire alarm for the building. So, very important- I definitely want to be woken up if there's a fire! But, the bright red speakers really stand out & ugly up my beautiful walls.
So, I decided to paint over them. Call it a restless rainy Sunday without Sean to keep me entertained. All I did was tape them off & paint 2 thin thin coats of leftover trim paint. I was very careful with my brush to not clog up the vents- just in case it would mess it up. In the end I am SO happy! They look much cleaner now & it no longer takes focus away from the beauty of the room!
Next stop- artwork, hopefully!
How do you cover up ugly things in your home?