Our handy DIY guide shows how to replace a broken faucet step-by-step. Learn to diagnose, fix, and choose the right tools for a quick and safe repair. Of course, when you move into a new place, there are going to be things you want to fix eventually. Unfortunately, there are also some things you'll have...
How to make a DIY Tulle Halloween Wreath
Want to make a simple, colorful monster wreath? Here's an inexpensive way to make a DIY Tulle Halloween Wreath! Whether you plan to go wild with Halloween decorations or just keep it simple, a wreath is always a great way to give your front door a festive touch. One of the easiest ways to make...
How to make googly eye frames
Want to add a spooky touch to your Halloween decor? Here's a simple and inexpensive tutorial for how to make googly eye frames! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays to decorate with, because you get a chance to really be silly and whimsical. One thing that is spooky - but also fun - is...
The Best Sea Foam Paint Colors and our condo great room
Looking for the best sea foam paint colors? Here's how we painted the walls in the main area of our condo a Sea Foam color - Summer Breeze by Olympic One! As you saw yesterday, we chose Olympic One paint in Summer Breeze for my living room/dining room/kitchen area. I had never painted before and...
How to make DIY rope coasters - no sew!
Want to add a coastal touch to your home decor? Here's how to make DIY rope coasters - no sewing required! I love a nautical aesthetic in our home, and that means that I do a lot of crafts with rope! This project was inspired by this, this, and this. I was motivated to get...
Round Side Table Makeover
Check out this round side table makeover! It's a great table before and after featuring a wooden side table we saved from the dumpster! Sean found this side table next to the dumpster in his apartment complex years ago. It has been since sitting on his screened porch collecting dust and getting, if possible, even...
How to make vacation beach memory jars!
Want to remember your vacation forever? Here are how to make beach memory jars - a super simple and almost-free souvenir! Sean and I went on an amazing cruise in May and, while we both bought souvenirs, my favorites are still the shells and sand that we collected while swimming and kayaking in Cozumel. We...
My (Future) Avocado Forest
You know what's delicious? Avocado. It's delicious on salads, sandwiches, tacos, anything! Did you know that you can actually grow an avocado plant from the fruit's pit? It's super easy and the best part is that you don't have to remember to water it! The first thing that you need is the pit of an...
How to Dice a Cucumber
This post will show you the easiest way to dice a cucumber for your meal! This is a simple process that will give you the best diced cucumber you can ask for! For Sean's birthday a few years ago, we took a cooking class at Charleston Cooks on Market Street. The class was called Knife...
How to cut an onion for tacos
Ready to cut that onion but don't want to cry? Here's the easiest way to cut an onion for tacos to maximize the usable amount and not make you cry! This week for Taco Thursday, we'd like to share a special skill we use a lot in our cooking- onion cutting. Onion is a crucial...
DIY Pin Stripe Lamp Overhaul
I love my apartment- it is in a great location and is very nice and clean and safe. However, one thing about it that drives me absolutely bonkers is the fact that none of the rooms (except the bathrooms!) have wired overhead lighting. That's right, everything has to be lit by lamps! Since I have...
Lilly Pulitzer Inspired Bar Stools
Check out how I transformed these thrifted bar stools with Lilly Pulitzer fabric to give them a totally new beachy look! Even though I hate my apartment's out of date kitchen, I really like the fact that there is a breakfast bar between the old fashioned room and the living room. It really opens up...
Easy No Sew Towel Pillow Tutorial
Want to make an easy DIY pillow from a towel? Here's how to do that without sewing with this No-Sew Towel Pillow Tutorial! In case you haven't heard, I don't like to sew. Unfortunately, I really like throw pillows. It was always a bad combination until I found no-sew iron adhesive tape! Hallelujah! So, when...
How to make No Sew Window Curtain!
Want to make a custom window covering - without a sewing machine? Here's a tutorial on how to make a no sew window curtain! So, I already mentioned that I am NOT an artist, but I still love to paint. I am also NOT a seamstress. I have a sewing machine but feel like every...
DIY Melted Crayon Art
So, I recently got 3 big wooden frames from ReTail. You already saw what I did with the medium sized one, so here is what I did with the largest frame. I have been feeling super inspired by Pinterest lately, and have gotten interested in melted crayon art. Lots of different projects have inspired me...
Fabric Hoarding Pays Off: DIY fabric mosaic
I recently got a great deal on three frames at the ReTail thrift store on Savannah Highway. They were $4, $5, and $6 each for big wooden frames. I loved their size and sturdiness and the distressed look of the white wood.I decided that they would be perfect over my bed in my bedroom. I...
Welcome to Charleston Crafted!
So you’ve stumbled upon our blog one way or another- thanks! We’re excited to have you here with us. This is going to be an adventure where we share our adventures with you. We’re glad to have you join us about our new blog about crafting delicious food and a beautiful home in the magical...