This week, we sadly had to say goodbye to our beloved condo that we turned into our first home. Our condo was an amazing place for us to begin our lives together. It's where we first lived together, where we planned our wedding together, where we came home from amazing trips to Italy, Yellowstone and Hawaii together, where we brought Bear home to, and so many more amazing memories. While we're terribly sad to say goodbye, we have had to thank the condo for the memories as we happily begin our lives in our new home.
If you remember, we wrote about our five favorite projects we did in the condo and our five favorite purchases for the condo a couple of weeks ago. We went over to the condo for the final time this week and had a dip in the pool and a glass of wine to toast our old lives and our new lives. We were thinking a lot about condo life and here's the things we're going to miss most about the condo as we start in our new home.
- The Pool - oh the glorious pool. We were so lucky to have a beautiful pool in our complex that we could walk down to and enjoy whenever we wanted. We swam, we tanned, we grilled out and we relaxed. We won't have a pool in our new neighborhood, so who knows when we'll make it to a pool again. Now that we're 15 minutes closer to the beach, we'll actually have to start going there more often!
- Security - the security and sense of secure feeling the condo brought was incredible. We had a gated entrance and fobs for the pool that made sure there weren't a bunch of random people coming into our complex. Our unit was in a building in the back of the complex, three floors up, so there was never a chance we would be robbed if that was going to happen. We never locked the door when we went for a walk and it was always safe knowing there were other people around. We are moving into a great neighborhood, but it's much more exposed living in a house.
- Location - where our condo was put us in the perfect location for everything. Grocery store right down the street. Movie theater we could walk to. James Island County Park 3 minutes away. Easy access to the bridge downtown. We were in the perfect spot. We still live on the island, and their are other benefits to our new location, but being 15 minutes further down means we are 15 minutes further from these things and 15 minutes further from the malls, Target, highways, etc.
- Simplicity - living in the condo was simple. There wasn't much space so we knew where we would be hanging out. We were limited on storage so we didn't buy too much stuff. Even being in the house for a month we are already starting to
hoardstock up on stuff, and I really hope that we can keep living the simple life without too many material possessions in every nook and cranny.
We will forever be grateful to the condo for all of the memories it brought for us and it's hard to say goodbye, but we're excited to move on to a new life in our new house!
Hey there, I'm Sean, the woodworking enthusiast and builder behind! Since 2012, I've been sharing the magic of turning raw materials into beautiful creations. I love teaching others the art and satisfaction of woodworking and DIY. I try to inspire fellow crafters to make something extraordinary out of nothing at all.