They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes the best way to say something on your wall is with word art! Here's a few that have made the cut in our soon-to-be-revealed project!
This has been one of my favorite sayings.... forever. "I love you like a fat kid loves cake." But I love somethings (& people) even more than a fat kid loves cake. So I added a silly line to the end, just to give it that extra smile.
One of my friends posted this on facebook, and I loved it right away. "Work like a captain, play like a pirate" is certainly the nautical take on work hard, play hard. We printed it off here, though Sean threw it in photoshop and tinted it navy blue instead of black.
I am, not shockingly, obsessed with Lilly Pulitzer. I love the bright colors, abundance of pink, and general happy lifestyle. I made this print in photoshop & have it listed for sale in my boutique! "Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink" is really a fabulous life philosophy, don't you think?
I've always had a soft spot for the "You are my sunshine" song. I pinned this print eons ago and was so excited to finally print it out!
Do you have any word art hanging in your home? Please share!
Hello, I'm Morgan, half of the creative force behind! With a passion for DIY that dates back to 2012, I've transformed three homes and now I'm dedicated to helping others craft their dream spaces. Let's turn your house into a home together!
Runt says
I don't yet but I plan on it! Especially with a nursery in the works! I'm sure I will go quote and cute print crazy! =]
Morgan says
Word art is the best, you can make it sweet or sassy or anywhere inbetween. & it can be changed to fit different color schemes! Please share when you get it up!
Diana Rambles says