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How to create a cozy corner for kids

Looking for reading corner ideas? Here are my best tips on how to create a cozy corner for kids!

Kids love a place to snuggle up, get cozy, and maybe even read a book.

If you have the space, I think that every kids’ room should have a cozy corner!

This cozy corner could be a reading nook for your kids or just a place for them to relax and have some alone time.

cozy corner ideas for kids

What is a cozy corner?

A cozy corner is a corner in a room that is decorated and furnished to be cozy. It is a place for kids to snuggle up and read. It can also be a safe space for kids to go to and calm down if they are frustrated or upset.

How do you make a cozy corner for kids?

A cozy corner is a super flexible term that just means somewhere for kids to sit and be cozy. It can be super simple or elaborate – that doesn’t matter. It’s just about having somewhere comfy to sit and relax.

bean bag in a corner - cozy corner for kids

How do you make a reading corner?

It’s easy to add a cozy reading nook to any kids space.

Step 1: choose a spot

The first step in making a reading corner or a cozy corner is to pick a space. I suggest a corner, of course. Corners are naturally cozy. But, any space will do.

Think about lighting, positioning within the room, and what makes sense for the flow of the floor plan.

Step 2: seating

I like to start with seating. Seating for a cozy area could include:

  • bean bag
  • play couch
  • soft rug
  • poufs
  • floor pillows
  • window seat
  • chaise lounge
  • reading chair

Step 3: cozy items

Once you have seating, add cozy items to your reading space. This could include:

  • Throw pillows
  • Squishmallows or squishy stuffed animals
  • Soft throw blankets
kids snuggling in a corner

Step 4: functional items

Think of how your kids will use the space and accessorize it appropriately. They might need a side table for drinks or a bookshelf for their favorite books. A reading light is always great. String lights can be super cozy!

Step 5: define the area with decor

You can use decor to make the corner reading nook feel like it’s own zone of the room. This could mean a certain color scheme, wall art, or even a play tent.

Even a small space can feel special with the right home decor!

play tent in a corner kids cozy corner

What should I put in my reading corner?

Reading areas need:

  • somewhere to sit
  • book storage
  • a reading light or bright natural light

As an added bonus, add extra cozy items to make it appealing to stay and read for a long while!

What to put in the corner of kids room

Does your kids room have an empty corner? Here are my favorite ideas on how to fill it:

  • Cozy corner with seating and cozy items
  • Corner bookshelf
  • Toy basket
  • Floor lamp and chair
  • Bookshelf (can place on a diagonal in a corner)
  • Kids size table & chairs
  • Corner desk homework station
  • Move the bed to the corner
kids bed in a corner

If you are decorating a room for kids, be sure that any large furniture, especially bookshelves, are anchored to the walls to prevent tipping. Here’s how to anchor furniture to the walls!

What are your favorite kids reading nook ideas?

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