Love a Satin Pothos? Let's make more of them - for free! Here is the easiest way to propagate the satin pothos plant!
Pothos are my top pick for beginner houseplants. They are super easy to keep alive - and super easy to propagate!
I recently got some Satin Pothos cuttings in a plant swap and I am just in love with the dark green leaves with silver splash variegation on them. It's gorgeous!
Since I recieved this plant as cuttings, I obviously had to root them! They rooted beautifully and I am excited for them to grow out a bit so I can take more cuttings and fill out my pot.
Here is a complete guide to propagating satin pothos plants!

Can you propagate satin pothos in water?
Yes! The easiest way to propagate satin pothos is in water.
Can I keep my pothos in water forever?
Pothos can be kept in water forever! It might not grow as big as it would in soil, but it can still do great. Just be sure to keep the water topped off.
Where do you cut satin pothos to propagate?
It is important to know that roots and leaves on pothos plants grow from the nodes. So, you will want to be sure to cut a node off of the mama plant to grow roots.
You can really cut the stem anywhere as long as you get at least one node. Some people say cut just past the node so roots grow at the bottom of your cutting.
Know that the stem from where you cut it to the next node left on the plant parent will dry up/die off. So, you may prefer to cut closer to the node and have more stem on your cut off. Whatever works!
Where is the node on a pothos?
Nodes are very easy to identify on pothos plants! They are the raised bumps on the stem. This is where leaves will grow from so if you can find a leaf, you can follow it back to a node.
How long does satin pothos take to propagate?
Satin pothos plant propagation is a pretty quick process. You should see the beginning of roots in 2-3 weeks. It takes about 2 months for the roots to get to be 2-3 inches long, at which point it is ready to plant in potting soil.
Note that these plants will grow faster in the spring and summer and slower in the winter, so that, along with light conditions, can effect your propagation time!
Will Pothos cuttings root in soil?
Yes, you can root pothos cuttings in soil. Follow the below instructions, but use moist soil instead of water.
I prefer to put a loose plastic bag over cuttings rooting in soil. This helps to create a greenhouse effect so they stay moist.
If you are propagating in soil, you may also want to dip the cutting in rooting hormone. This can speed up the propagation process.
Can you propagate pothos without node?
No, you cannot propagate pothos without a node. Nodes are where the roots grow out of and without a node you will never get leaves.
Can you propagate pothos without leaves?
Yes! You do not need leaves to propagate pothos. If I have a stem of pothos that gets "leggy" AKA really long bits without leaves, I cut those off, cut them into sections (with nodes in each) and propagate them!
Do Pothos grow back after cutting?
Yes! Your pothos parent plant will sprout new growth from a node. It's usually the last node on the branch where you cut it but occasionally I've had it one node up. Then, the extra "stub" of vine will often brown and die off. No worries!
When is the best time of year to propagate a satin pothos plant?
Spring and summer are generally the growing seasons for indoor plants. So, propagating in the spring will give you the best chance at healthy new growth. However, I have had success propagating all year long.
Why are my Pothos cuttings dying?
If your pothos cuttings are turning black and mushy, that is likely a bacterial infection or root rot.
If your pothos cuttings are getting crispy, that's usually not enough water.
If your pothos cuttings are just never rooting, try dumping the water, cutting off any mushy parts, and starting over.
Can you propagate a satin pothos via division?
Yes! Another super easy way to propagate a satin pothos is division. This just means to pull the plant out of the pot and separate the stems.
This is great to do if your plant is getting root bound but you don't want to move it to a bigger pot. Simply divide the plant and move half to another pot somewhere else - or gift it to a friend.
How to propagate a satin pothos plant
Satin pothos plants are very easy to propagate via cuttings in water!
Tools and supplies needed:
- Satin pothos mother plant
- Clean sharp scissors
- Jar of water
Steps to propagate a satin pothos plant:
- Identify a node. This is a bump where leaves and roots grow.
- Use scissors to cut off a healthy vine just below the node. You want the node to go off on the cutting. Aim for cuttings at least 3 inches long if possible.
- Place the cutting in a jar of water.
- Place in bright, indirect water. Change the water every few days or top it off as needed. Roots should appear in a few weeks!
- Once the roots are 2-3 inches long, plant in soil and treat as you would any other pothos plant.
How to propagate a satin pothos plant
Satin pothos are very easy to propagate via stem cuttings. Here is how!
- Satin pothos plant
- Clean scissors
- Jar of water
- Select a branch to take a cutting from. Look for new growth to indicate health. Plan to cut at least 3 inches off.
- Identify a node - leaf/root bump - on the branch. Cut just below the node.
- Remove any leaves that will fall under water.
- Place in a jar of water.
- Place jar in indirect sunlight.
- Once roots are 2-3 inches long, plant in soil.
Want to show your houseplants some love?!
--> How to clean plant leaves
--> How to propagate a plant (free eBook!)
--> When to repot a plant
--> Rotating houseplants
--> When to cut leaves off of plants
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Hello, I'm Morgan, half of the creative force behind! With a passion for DIY that dates back to 2012, I've transformed three homes and now I'm dedicated to helping others craft their dream spaces. Let's turn your house into a home together!