A few months ago, we revealed to you our garage organization makeover. We hinted at one particular project that we hadn't told you about. That project is our scrap wood wall storage unit.
We made a vertical wall-mounted scrap wood storage solution instead of the typical box storage because we don't have a lot of space in our garage. Going vertical made so much sense!
Vertical Wall-Mounted Scrap Wood Storage Unit
We were originally planning to do a rolling wood storage tower, but we really don't have much room in our garage. So, we decided to go vertical.
Going vertical with storage is always a good option, as it frees up ground space and takes advantage of unused space up high. It made such a difference in our garage. Take a look!

The Build
Our plan for this was to create various tiers on the wall. We wanted lots of places to lay our boards across. We also needed the capability to store long, medium and short boards. This is where the idea for the cubes came into play.
This build was created using four sided cubes, allowing for boards to lay on top of them AND through them.
All the cubes are attached to long vertical boards, which are attached to horizontal rails. This keeps everything attached together.
We also attached the storage unit to the wall with spacers between the unit and the wall so that we could slide large pieces of plywood back there. If you want to call us genius, we won't stop you...
The Plans
We partnered once again with our good friends at Kreg to bring you the full plans for this vertical scrap wood storage. Using Kreg pocket holes makes this project extremely stable and durable. When we're talking about loading this up with long pieces of wood, we need it to be sturdy. We used a Kreg K4 system with 1 ¼" Kreg screws to build this whole project.
We put the entire set of project plans for this vertical scrap wood storage unit on BuildSomething.com where you can get our step-by-step cuts, measurements and pocket hole placements.
You can even customize these plans if you just want to use them for inspiration. If you want to add more cubes and go higher, do it! If you want to add a third column of cubes, you go girl! We'd love to see what you come up with.
So head over to Kreg’s BuildSomething.com to get the free plans for how to build these wall-mounted scrap wood storage vertical cubes. Their website is full of easy, helpful plans from lots of amazing builders. We’ve got lots of other plans on there (like our geometric coffee table, quick and easy ottoman, under bed storage, plywood desk and many more), so be sure to check them out.
Interested in the Kreg Jig? Click here to read our full Kreg Jig review and to see all of our Kreg Jig projects.
New to the Kreg Jig? Here is a step by step guide on how to use a Kreg Jig!
OR grab our FREE Kreg Jig Cheat Sheet here! Download the cheat sheet!
This post is sponsored by Kreg Tool. All opinions are our own and our opinion is that we love Kreg Tool. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Charleston Crafted possible!
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Hey there, I'm Sean, the woodworking enthusiast and builder behind CharlestonCrafted.com! Since 2012, I've been sharing the magic of turning raw materials into beautiful creations. I love teaching others the art and satisfaction of woodworking and DIY. I try to inspire fellow crafters to make something extraordinary out of nothing at all.