Looking for a super easy house plant? Try Pothos! Here is my complete pothos plant care guide!
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is one of my favorite indoor plants and is the top plant that I recommend for beginner plant owners.
Pothos is also known as Devil's Ivy. Its heart shaped leaves are gorgeous and are easy to keep happy.
Pothos has green leaves with various variegation patterns. The stems can grow really, really long and either climb or hang.
Golden pothos has - you guessed it - golden yellow variegation. It's one of the most common forms of pothos and is super common. It's one of the easiest houseplants to get and keep alive!

Varieties of pothos
There are tons of varieties of pothos! Here are some of the most common:
- Golden pothos
- Marble Queen pothos
- Neon pothos
- Manjula
- Silver Satin
- Cebu Blue
- Jade pothos
These pothos care tips apply to all varieties of variegated pothos!
Pothos vs Philodendron
Pothos and philodendrons both are vining plants with heart shaped leaves. They are easy to confuse.
Pothos have thicker leaves and stems and their stems have grooves in them. But, they can look very similar!
Are pothos plants toxic?
Pothos plants are poisonous and can be toxic to pets and children. They are most likely to cause vomiting if eaten or skin break outs if you touch the sap. Better safe than sorry - keep out of reach of kids and pets.
Should pothos climb or hang?
One great thing about pothos is that it can hang or climb. A pothos hanging plant is gorgeous spilling out of a pot, but leaves get huge when climbing a coco coir moss pole!
Here is my guide on how to make a moss pole!
Can pothos grow outdoors?
Pothos prefer temperatures of 70 to 90 degrees F. I keep many pothos plants outdoors but bring them inside whenever the overnight temperature drops below 40 degrees!
Pothos will freeze in the winter but almost always grows back even better than ever in the spring!
How to make your pothos more variegated
Pothos leaves get more variegated when they get more light. They don't want direct sun - they will get sunburned and crispy - but bright indirect light helps them thrive.
BEFORE - indoors AFTER - outdoors, 3 months later
See my above moss pole - when it was indoors, the leaves were small and green. After 3 months on my porch, the leaves got huge and tone of yellow variegation! Yes, this is the exact same plant, nothing added to it at all!
Can pothos grow in water?
It is most common to propagate pothos cuttings in water. Once they are in water, they can stay there forever.
Be warned - if you want to move the cuttings to soil, do it when the roots are 2-3 inches long. After that, the root system can get too delicate to successfully transition to soil.
Should I mist my pothos plants?
Pothos like high humidity, and misting them is a great way to achieve that. They will survive without misting, but they do like it!
Pothos plant care
Here are the essentials that you need to know about golden pothos care!
Pothos light conditions
How much light does a pothos need? Pothos can survive without much light - I kept a plant in our windowless laundry room! However, it will thrive in bright indirect light.
Pothos watering schedule
Wondering how often to water pothos? I water my pothos once a week, letting it dry out between waterings. My husband had one on his cubicle desk that he watered a teeny tiny splash every other day. They are flexible, just don't saturate them. Be sure your pot has drainage holes so if you water it too much, it will drain out.
Pothos soil + pot needs
Pothos are pretty easy going and can grow in regular potting mix. Just be sure that the pot has drainage holes to keep it from getting soggy and getting root rot.
Pothos plant propagation
Pothos is extremely easy to propagate via cuttings. Simply identify a node (a bump on the vine where roots and leaves grow) and cut just above it. Place in water and wait for roots to form!
Read my detailed pothos propagation guide (with video!) here.
Why are my pothos leaves brown and crispy?
Brown and crispy leaves almost always mean sunburn. Is it in direct light? Move it under a cover or shade!
Why are my pothos leaves yellow?
Yellow leaves mean either not enough sun or not enough light. These plants tolerate low light, but they can drop leaves to save energy. Look for a sunnier spot!
If that doesn't work, check the soil. Is it completely dry? Water it and see if it perks up!
Why are my pothos leaves limp?
Limp leaves mean either it needs to be watered or it's soggy. For leaves to go limp from over watering, the soil would need to be very wet. Feel it with your finger - it should be obvious.
Why are my pothos leaves black and mushy?
Black and mushy leaves indicates root rot from overwatering. Dump the plant and rinse off all the soil. Remove any dead leaves. Make sure to pick a pot with drainage holes. Re-pot in fresh soil.
Want to show your houseplants some love?!
--> How to clean plant leaves
--> How to propagate a plant (free eBook!)
--> When to repot a plant
--> Rotating houseplants
--> When to cut leaves off of plants
Any more questions about how to care for a pothos plant?
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Hey there, I'm Sean, the woodworking enthusiast and builder behind CharlestonCrafted.com! Since 2012, I've been sharing the magic of turning raw materials into beautiful creations. I love teaching others the art and satisfaction of woodworking and DIY. I try to inspire fellow crafters to make something extraordinary out of nothing at all.