Tim "The Toolman" Taylor isn't the only guy that has a tool for everything. Everyone that does any DIY or work around the house should have a go-to set of tools that they need to get their jobs done. We do a lot of different projects and have had a lot of crappy tools that were cheap and it was very obvious that they were cheap. We've learned that it's better to spend a little bit of money on certain tools to make sure you can get the job done right. So, here's a list of the top five tools for everyone's toolshed.
- Work Station- A work station is essential to doing work at home. There are lots of options for purchasing work stations, but often times the best solution is to build one for your space. That's what I did since I only have a small corner of our porch to work at. I custom built my work station from a wooden pallet that fit my needs. If you need a work station to do work on, you might as well build it yourself. I tell you, it is so much easier being able to saw, screw and nail things when they are at a proper height versus trying to do it on the ground.
(p.s.- look at all the crappy tools I had back when I built this table!)
Those are my favorite tools. There are lots of others and there are lots of options for each type of tool you need. The important thing is to make sure you have the right tools for the projects you are doing. Don't try to improvise and risk messing up or hurting yourself. The thing I've learned is that it makes sense to buy a tool because if you use it once, you are likely to use it again.
What are your favorite tools?
Hey there, I'm Sean, the woodworking enthusiast and builder behind CharlestonCrafted.com! Since 2012, I've been sharing the magic of turning raw materials into beautiful creations. I love teaching others the art and satisfaction of woodworking and DIY. I try to inspire fellow crafters to make something extraordinary out of nothing at all.