A couple weeks ago, we shared with you guys how we built a new raised bed cucumber garden that was featured on Pretty Handy Girl's website. When we built that garden, it left this weird outdoor dead space in the corner of our fence because the fence was angled. We didn't know what we could do with that, so we just used pebbles to fill it in and we'll show you how.
Using Pebbles to Fill Outdoor Dead Space
Before we even got to the pebbles was that we found an azalea tree on the clearance rack at the garden center that was covered in buds. With spring right around the corner, we picked it up and planted it in this space to provide some pretty flowers above the garden.
Now time for the pebbles. The thing about using pebbles next to a fence is that they will seep out through the cracks in your fence if you don't do anything to keep them in. Luckily that's easy to fix. We cut leftover fence posts (from back when we built raised bed fence post planters next to the garage) down to two inches wide by the length of the space we had in our triangle of dead space. Then, using our RYOBI AirStrike brad nailer, we simply nailed the planks onto into the actual fence with the planks flush against the ground.
Once we had our little area created, we pulled out the weeds, tilled the ground so that nothing would grow, and then poured in a bag of pea gravel like we had used in our tropical oasis.
The outdoor dead space serves no purpose, but how much better does it look with a small tree and pretty colored pebbles than it did when it was a weed and dirt patch that we'd have no way of keeping up? This is a solution any new homeowner could use to fill any outdoor dead space in their yard that they don't want to keep up with that will look great!
Hey there, I'm Sean, the woodworking enthusiast and builder behind CharlestonCrafted.com! Since 2012, I've been sharing the magic of turning raw materials into beautiful creations. I love teaching others the art and satisfaction of woodworking and DIY. I try to inspire fellow crafters to make something extraordinary out of nothing at all.