Are you wondering what kind of plywood you should use for counter tops?
You can use any type of plywood!
We used birch for the DIY plywood countertop in our laundry room.
Our counters were made from two stacked ¾" thick pieces. We stacked them with wood glue in between.
We left the raw edges exposed (I really love the striped look) but you can also add an iron on edge banding if you prefer.

How to shop for plywood countertops
When you are shopping for plywood to use as a countertop, you really want to examine the grain. This is what is going to be the surface of your tabletop so you want something beautiful.
Decide if you want something more busy (with more eyes and grains and details) or more simple. Examine the pieces very closely at the store.
If your edges will be exposed, check them as well to be sure they look good and are not chipped or cracked.
If you can't find enough beautiful pieces, remember that if you stack two pieces like we did, half of it (the bottom piece) will not have the grain exposed, only the edges.
Be sure to read this post about what size plywood you should use to make your plywood counter tops.
Finally, check to be sure that pieces are not warped or bent. You want them to lay flat for an even counter top.
If you are wondering if plywood counters are a good fit for you, check out this post on can I use plywood for a countertop?
What other questions about plywood countertops can I answer for you?
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Hey there, I'm Sean, the woodworking enthusiast and builder behind! Since 2012, I've been sharing the magic of turning raw materials into beautiful creations. I love teaching others the art and satisfaction of woodworking and DIY. I try to inspire fellow crafters to make something extraordinary out of nothing at all.